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牛津一年级英语上册Unit 8第二教时案例

[04-06 21:46:05]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  一年级英语教案   阅读:9169

概要:句型I have got a…在Unit7的Let’s talk中已经学过:“Have you got a brother? No, I have got a sister.”学生们已经能进行交流了,为本节课的学习打下了埋伏。二、 教学内容:1) 认知内容:a. 能听懂会说并会用句型:What have you got? I have got a / an…b.能听懂并描述他人拥有什么东西。He/She has got a/ an…2) 能力要求:在学习和生活中能询问对方拥有什么,并回答,并能表达他人拥有什么。3) 情感态度:通过调查问卷这一情景的创设,让学生们能相互询问,并做一个报告。鼓励他们能做中学,学中做,学中用,用中学。三、 教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarmer1. Enjoy the rhymeE.g.: A slide. A slide. I like to play. A swing. A swing. I like to play. Etc.配以动作的儿歌既让学生能进入英语学习的氛围,又复习了上节课所教的英语单词。2.

牛津一年级英语上册Unit 8第二教时案例,http://www.kaoguole.com

【编者按】亲爱小朋友们,今天为你准备了牛津一年级英语上册Unit 8第二教时案例,相信大家一定能够努力做、开动脑筋,做出满意的答卷。加油啊!!!

牛津一年级英语上册Unit 8第二教时案例

一、 教学说明:

1.学生在第一教时中已经能听、说、读下列单词slide, doll, bicycle, balloon, ball, swing,并能用Go to the… Pick up the… Touch the… I like to play the…句型进行操练。

2.这节课的句型I have got a…在Unit7的Let’s talk中已经学过:“Have you got a brother? No, I have got a sister.”学生们已经能进行交流了,为本节课的学习打下了埋伏。

二、 教学内容:

1) 认知内容:

a. 能听懂会说并会用句型:What have you got? I have got a / an…

b.能听懂并描述他人拥有什么东西。He/She has got a/ an…

2) 能力要求:在学习和生活中能询问对方拥有什么,并回答,并能表达他人拥有什么。

3) 情感态度:通过调查问卷这一情景的创设,让学生们能相互询问,并做一个报告。鼓励他们能做中学,学中做,学中用,用中学。

三、 教学过程:





Pre-task preparation


1.   Enjoy the rhyme

E.g.: A slide. A slide. I like to play. A swing. A swing. I like to play. Etc.


2.   Teacher asks the students some questions.

Eg. What do you like to play?

P1: I like to play a ball.

Here’s a picture of the ball.

P1: Thank you.



While-task procedure

1.   A new pattern:

What have you got?

I have got …

1.   Teacher asks the question to the students.

E.g.: Have you got a ball?

P1: Yes, I have got a ball.[

Tell me, What have you got?

to elicit the answer: I have got a ball.

2.   Encourage the pupils to say the sentences.

What have you got?

I have got a balloon.

(Replace: bicycle  ball etc..)

3.   Ask the pupils to survey their friends what they have got.




2. A new pattern:

He has got…

She has got…

1.   Teacher shows the several balloons and dolls and asks the questions.

E.g.: Who has got a red balloon?

P1: *** has got a red balloon.

2.   Encourage the pupils to say the sentences.

He /She has got…

*** has got…

3.   Guessing game.

Who has got the toy?

E.g.: Who has got a ball?

P1: *** has got a ball.

P2: ** has got a ball.

4.   Teacher shows the survey and lets the students give a reporter.

E.g.: This is my friend, *** He/ She has got…

让学生通过猜“玩具的主人”,来巩固句型:He/She has got…


Post-task activity

1.P38 P40

1.   Listen and read after the tape. P38 P40

2.   Look and say. P38 P40

3.   Read.


Do a survey.

1. Teacher asks the students to survey their friends what they have got.

2. Feedback to their


xx has got…



Read Page 38 & 40 after the tape

Do a survey to a teacher and your parent.

以上就是牛津一年级英语上册Unit 8第二教时案例全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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