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[04-06 21:46:59]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  高一英语寒假作业   阅读:9253

概要:ar, due to, result in, dismiss, make up, assume , go missing, creatures , come acrossPolice in America have stepped up their search for Justin, a fifteen-year-old boy who 43._________two days ago in Dover. People have shown great interest in this event 44. ________sightings of puzzling lights in the key and reports of alien visits around the time of his 45__________.His sister Kelly recalled that standing inside were lots of strange 46___________with white skin and large black eyes. She was frightened. But his mother 47._________ Kelly was having a dre




SECTION C (8 points)

Directions: Complete the passage below with the correct forms of the given words and phrases in the column (two are extra).

convince, disappear, due to, result in, dismiss, make up, assume , go missing, creatures , come across

Police in America have stepped up their search for Justin, a fifteen-year-old boy who 43._________two days ago in Dover. People have shown great interest in this event 44. ________

sightings of puzzling lights in the key and reports of alien visits around the time of his 45__________.

His sister Kelly recalled that standing inside were lots of strange 46___________with white skin and large black eyes. She was frightened. But his mother 47._________ Kelly was having a dream and sent her to bed.

Police have 48. _________ the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities. Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, thought that people sometimes 49.__________ amazing stories, and there might be other possibilities such as murder. There is really no hard evidence that aliens took him away. They wouldn’t give up until they found 50.____________ evidence.



标签:高一英语寒假作业高一英语寒假作业答案,高中英语学习方法高中学习网 - 高一学习辅导 - 高一英语辅导资料 - 高一英语寒假作业


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