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No stopping Dan初中英语阅读专题

[04-06 21:46:43]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初中英语阅读   阅读:9751

概要:Lumpur (吉隆坡), Malaysia.He became the second men's singles player to win the world championship title two years on the run (连续地).More than 9,000 people watched and cheered his win. He dropped (跪下) to the floor and pulled his shirt over his head at the end of the game."I'm very happy with this win, it's the result of much hard work," he says.The 23-year-old is known as Super Dan to his fans. He is one of the top Chinese badminton players. But he didn't do well at the Sudirman Cup (苏迪曼杯) in Scotland this June. His coach criticize

No stopping Dan初中英语阅读专题,http://www.kaoguole.com

人生就像是一次旅程,令人陶醉的美景是成功。而深潭是挫折。这是一个并不新颖的比喻,但它所揭示的道理却是准确而且真实的。就像利弊分明的考试,最后是美景还是深潭完全取决同学们的努力,神奇的小编整理了No stopping Dan初中英语阅读专题,带你远离深潭,走向如梦如幻的美景仙境~

Another victory for Lin Dan!

LAST week, Lin Dan won the men's singles final at the World Badminton Championships in Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡), Malaysia.

He became the second men's singles player to win the world championship title two years on the run (连续地).

More than 9,000 people watched and cheered his win. He dropped (跪下) to the floor and pulled his shirt over his head at the end of the game.

"I'm very happy with this win, it's the result of much hard work," he says.

The 23-year-old is known as Super Dan to his fans. He is one of the top Chinese badminton players. But he didn't do well at the Sudirman Cup (苏迪曼杯) in Scotland this June. His coach criticized (批评) him in public.

Lin was sad but decided to work harder. He spent most of his time practicing. After practice, he talked with his coach to see how he could improve.

"I don't relax," he says. "I work twice as hard as others."

Lin says he had long wanted to match the great Chinese player Yang Yang. Yang Yang won world titles in 1987 and 1989.

Well, now Super Dan's dream has come true.

在这寒冷冬季,我们要以与太阳相媲美的热情阅读No stopping Dan初中英语阅读专题,迎接考试!


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