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[04-06 21:46:16]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9258

概要: we )50. My mother told me to buy three ________ of bread at the supermarket. ( loaf )51. Is a human brain a more _________ calculator than a computer? ( power )52. Our teacher explained the lesson to us very _______. ( clear )53. The century-old Waibaidu Bridge is an _______ place for visitors to Shanghai. ( attract )54. At last all the crew came back to the ________ of the Earth. ( safe )VIII. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词):(10%)55. Peter collected some old coins two years ago. (改为否定句)Peter ________ collect _______ old coins two y


Ⅶ. Complete the sentences with the given words box in their proper forms( 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):(7%)

48. Climb up to the _________ floor, and you can enjoy a better view. ( eleven )

49. “Would you tell _____ about your trip to Russia?” the children asked Uncle Joe. ( we )

50. My mother told me to buy three ________ of bread at the supermarket. ( loaf )

51. Is a human brain a more _________ calculator than a computer? ( power )

52. Our teacher explained the lesson to us very _______. ( clear )

53. The century-old Waibaidu Bridge is an _______ place for visitors to Shanghai. ( attract )

54. At last all the crew came back to the ________ of the Earth. ( safe )

VIII. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词):(10%)

55. Peter collected some old coins two years ago. (改为否定句)

Peter ________ collect _______ old coins two years ago.

56. The little boy often hepls in the house at the weekend. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ the little boy often ________ in the house at the weekend?

57. The way to be happy was to own as few things as possible. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ the way to be happy?www .Xkb1 .coM

58. A huge figure moved silently towards the captain’s house. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ a huge figure move towards the captain’s house?

59. Captain King and his crew were too weak to open the door. (保持原句意思)

Captain King and his crew were ______ weak that they _______ open the door.

Paper 3 Reading and Writing (第三卷 阅读和写话)

IX. Reading comprehension(阅读理解): (24%)

(A) Choose the right answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):(6%)

Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students. People can “farm“ on a piece of “land“ and “grow“, “sell“ or even “steal“ “vegetables“, “flowers“ and “fruits“ on the Internet.

They can earn some e--money and buy more “seeds“, “pets“ and even “houses“. Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.

Harold: I don’t quite understand why they are so mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident (自信的) enough to face the real world.

Allan: I enjoy putting some “bugs“ in my friends gardens and we’ve become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.

Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for (渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces (减少) my work pressure (压力); besides, it gives me the exciting experience of being a “thief“.

Ivy: Well, it’s just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they cannot focus on (专注于) their study.

( )60. According to the passage, people can’t _______ things in this game.

A. grow B. borrow C. steal D. sell

( )61. People can buy more things with ________ in the game.

A. e—money B. houses C. seeds D. vegetables

( )62. Among the people Joyce interviewed, _______ dislikes the game.

A. Laura B. Allan C. Harold D. none

( )63. From Laura’s words, we can guess that she’s most probably ______.

A. a students B. an office worker C. a farmer D. a thief

( )64. Ivy thinks the Internet game is bad for ________.

A. adults B. thieves C. policemen D. teenagers

( )65. Which is not the reason why people like the game?

A. They are longing for country life.

B. They can have fun with friends.

C. They are confident enough to face the real world.

D. The game can relax people and give them a new experience.

(B) Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文):(6%)

Cartoon films have very few limits (限制). If you can draw something, you can make it ___66____ on the cinema screen (屏幕). The use of new ideas and modern computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of ___67___ ages.w W w.xK b 1. c om

By 1970, the cinema world had decided that cartoons were __68___ for children.

But soon after that, one or two film makers had some new ideas. They proved (证明) that it was ___69____ to make films in which both grown-ups and children could enjoy them.

However, not every cartoon film was successful. The Black Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because it was too ___70___ for children and too childish for grown-ups. Film makers learnt from this mistake, and then cartoons were welcomed by both children and grown-ups and ___71___ the film companies began to make large amounts of money.

( )66. A. arrive B. stay C. stand D. move

( )67. A. some B. either C. all D. both

( )68. A. never B. only C. still D. already

( )69. A. possible B. difficult C. complete D. interesting

( )70. A. interesting B. popular C. relaxing D. frightening

( )71. A. once B. however C. again D. ever

(C)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): (6%)

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