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[04-06 21:47:14]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9150

概要:finish the project in time.A) Though B) Unless C) Because D) If42. — Can I tell Mary about the good news?— No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You ________ keep it to yourself.A) must B) need C) can D) may43. Pass my glasses to me, Jack. I can ________ read the words in the newspapers.A) hardly B) really C) rather D) clearly44. It’s a pity that I didn’t think of ringing you ________.A) the earliest B) early C) earliest D) earlier45. Millions of visitors throughout the world _


— Yes, I do. He came by car.

A) how     B) when            C) that             D) if

40. Do you believe some special dogs can do things ________ man?

A) as well as    B) as good as     C) as well as   D) as careful as

41. ________ you work hard, you won’t finish the project in time.

A) Though  B) Unless C) Because D) If

42. — Can I tell Mary about the good news?

— No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You ________ keep it to yourself.

A) must B) need C) can D) may

43. Pass my glasses to me, Jack. I can ________ read the words in the newspapers.

A) hardly          B) really         C) rather          D) clearly

44. It’s a pity that I didn’t think of ringing you ________.

A) the earliest       B) early           C) earliest D) earlier

45. Millions of visitors throughout the world ________ Shanghai during 2010 World Expo.

A) have visited B) will visit C) visited D) would visit

46. One of my friends is coming to visit us. I’m looking forward to________ him.

A) meets B) met C) meet D) meeting

47. — Whom are you waiting for, Jack?

— Gary’s parents. But neither of them _______.

A) arrived          B) are arriving       C) has arrived     D) will arrive

48. More underground railways ________ in Shanghai in 10 years.

A) are building      B) have been built C) will be built      D) built

49. — ________

— I’d like to buy some oranges.

A) Do you like the fruit? B) How do you like the oranges?

C) What can I do for you?             D) Which one do you like best?

50. — Would you like some more?

— ________  I’m full.

A) Yes, please.      B) I’d love to.     C) No, I wouldn’t.   D) No, thanks.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次): (共8分)

A) walls      B) because       C) stronger       D) working        E) calm

F) more      G) dead          H) close to       I) much

A 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit the east coast of Japan on March 11th. The quake was the fifth

largest in the world since 1900 and nearly 8,000 times    51    than the one which hit Christchurch (克赖斯特彻奇,新西兰东部城市), New Zealand, last month.

The epicenter(震中) of the earthquake was in the Pacific Ocean, 130 kilometers east of Sendai (仙台,日本东北地区中心城市). The quake was so powerful and    52    the coast that it caused strong tsunamis in northern Japan. Cars, ships and buildings were swept away by    53

of water. About 2,414 people have been reported    54    and about 20,000 missing. The Japanese government said that the final number of deaths will be    55    higher.

Though most parts of the country have not been damaged by the quake, people in many cities are suffering from power cuts    56    four nuclear power plants (核电站) near the earthquake area have been shut down. In the centre of Tokyo, a number of office workers are spending the night in their offices because the lifts have stopped    57   . Millions of people have to stay in the Japanese capital because train services were stopped.

Although there is terrible quake damage and a possible massive nuclear leak (核泄漏), most of the Japanese people in the quake-hit areas remain    58    and cool --- they queue up(排队) for food and water in order and expect their lives to get back on track soon.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) : (共8分)

59. We often read some interesting ________ in some magazines after school. (story)

60. It’s Children’s Day. The boys and girls are enjoying ________ in the park. (they)

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