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[04-06 21:47:14]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9150

概要:tion you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)7. A) By bus. B) By car.C) By bike. D) On foot.8. A) 500 yuan. B) 300 yuan.C) 250 yuan. D) 150 yuan.9. A) Rainy. B) Sunny.C) Windy. D) Cloudy.10. A) Japanese. B) French.C) English. D) German.11. A) He was late for school. B) He didn’t want to go to school.C) He stayed in the school all day. D) He was ill and stayed in bed.12. A) Boss and secretary. B) Teacher and student.C) Father and son. D) Wife and husband.13. A) To visit her aunt. B) To study



Part 1  Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)

7. A) By bus.       B) By car.

C) By bike.      D) On foot.

8. A) 500 yuan.      B) 300 yuan.

C) 250 yuan.      D) 150 yuan.

9. A) Rainy.       B) Sunny.

C) Windy.       D) Cloudy.

10. A) Japanese.      B) French.

C) English.      D) German.

11. A) He was late for school.    B) He didn’t want to go to school.

C) He stayed in the school all day.  D) He was ill and stayed in bed.

12. A) Boss and secretary.    B) Teacher and student.

C) Father and son.     D) Wife and husband.

13. A) To visit her aunt.     B) To study there.

C) To take care of her aunt.   D) To have a long holiday.

14. A) Go shopping.     B) Take a walk.

C) Stay at home.     D) See a film.

15. A) They are going to have lunch.  B) They are looking for a notebook.

C) They are playing computer games. D) They are watching TV.

16. A) He bought a present for his mother. B) He lost his birthday present.

C) His birthday party is coming.  D) He bought an MP5.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)

17. In Munich(慕尼黑), parents don’t want to buy vegetables themselves.

18. In Munich, there are some gardens called moral(道德的) vegetable gardens.

19. Such vegetable gardens were built everywhere in the city of Munich.

20. The vegetables in these gardens are grown by children and their parents.

21. Although there are no salespersons in the gardens, children give their money for the vegetables.

22. It is said that so far vegetables in these gardens haven’t been lost.

23. One aim of building the moral vegetable gardens is to teach children to be honest.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词) : (共7分)

24. April Fool’s Day has been celebrated in many countries _________ the world.

25. No one is ________ how April Fools’ Day started though it has been for about 500 years.

26. In 1582, France moved the beginning of the year from the end of ________ to January 1.

27. ________ jokes would be played on someone if he forgot to keep up with the change of the

beginning of the year.

28. Years went by and April 1 became the date of the ________ holiday.

29. Now people play jokes on each other on April Fool’s Day for no ________.

30. In ________, a TV station reported that the Leaning Tower of Pisa had fallen down, but it’s still standing.

Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

31. ________ young man next door likes working as a physics teacher.

A) A B) An C) The D) /

32. My father is usually ________ work in his study at weekends.

A) on B) by  C) with D) at

33. The girl couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw ________ in the mirror.

A) herself B) her C) she D) hers

34. I can still understand the article though there are ________ new words in it.

A) few B) a little C) a few D) little

35. There are some cameras on that desk. Four were made in Japan and ________ six were

made in China.

A) another B) the others C) other D) the other

36. Be more careful next time, _______ you’ll make the same mistake again.

A) and B) or C) so D) but

37. He has never visited the Great Wall in Beijing, ________?

A) hasn’t he        B) has he          C) does he          D) doesn’t he

38. ________ bad the weather is! We still can’t go out for our picnic today.

A) What B) How     C) What a    D) How a

39. — Do you remember _______ my brother came here yesterday?

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