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[04-06 21:47:14]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  高考英语复习资料   阅读:9408

概要:e!/Take it easy!/You can’t be serious/Up to you!/What if?/Can you make it?/What for?/What kept you?/Of what?/Exactly!/With pleasure!/That isn’t due yet./The early train is due to leave at 5:30 a.m./I’ll give you a lift./Why not?/You are wanted on the phone.五、非谓语动词——注意分清谓语与非谓语,比如:She went to the market, bought some bananas and visited her cousin. She said, and turning away from him, walked rapidly away. Go straight ahead, and you will see a hotel in front of you.【总结】把握高三,备战高考。同学们要好好复习,在高三时期把握住每分每秒。希望小编为大家整理的高考英语一轮复习对大家有帮助,大家加油。浏览了本文的同学也浏览了:上一页 [1] [2]



Just in case!/Take your time!/Take it easy!/You can’t be serious/Up to you!/What if?/Can you make it?/What for?/What kept you?/Of what?/Exactly!/With pleasure!/That isn’t due yet./The early train is due to leave at 5:30 a.m./I’ll give you a lift./Why not?/You are wanted on the phone.


She went to the market, bought some bananas and visited her cousin. She said, and turning away from him, walked rapidly away. Go straight ahead, and you will see a hotel in front of you.



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标签:高考英语复习资料高考英语答题技巧,高考英语知识点高考复习 - 高考英语复习资料


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