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[04-06 21:46:43]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初中英语完形填空   阅读:9467

概要:orite star, Billy Hawkins.My favorite 37 of the school day was the time when I could take out my glove and play catch. My teacher, Ms. Welles, told me to 38 my glove at home, but I was lost without my glove. During break, I stood around with sad eyesand drooping(低垂) shoulders, and in class I was always quiet. She also told me that I could do better in my studies if I concentrated(集中注意力) on them. 39 was true.One day, Ms. Welles introduced a special guest to the class—Billy Hawkins! I was very 40 ! Billy said, “If you want to be a ball player



I was interested in baseball. My baseball glove was always close by: either under my desk or my chair at school. My biggest 36 was to play big-league baseball like my favorite star, Billy Hawkins.

My favorite 37 of the school day was the time when I could take out my glove and play catch. My teacher, Ms. Welles, told me to 38 my glove at home, but I was lost without my glove. During break, I stood around with sad eyesand drooping(低垂) shoulders, and in class I was always quiet. She also told me that I could do better in my studies if I concentrated(集中注意力) on them. 39 was true.

One day, Ms. Welles introduced a special guest to the class—Billy Hawkins! I was very 40 ! Billy said, “If you want to be a ball player, it’s important to study hard in school.”

“What does school have to do with baseball?” I asked.

“I’ll show you by giving you a baseball 41 .” said Billy, “Here’re three questions. Each student who answers all the three questions correctly will win two tickets to a Leopards game!”

I was sure I could answer the questions. The first question was, “How do you 42 a player’s batting average (击球率) ?” I wasn’t sure how to do the math on it. For the second question, Billy handed out an article about baseball. It 43 several words I didn’t understand. The third question was which team had won the World Champion when George Bush became President. 44 I knew about the World Champion winners, I didn’t know much about Presidents.

Nobody got all the three answers right. 45 , we would have another chance the following week.

That week, we all helped each other. The students who were good with numbers taught the others how to work out the averages. The 46 readers helped with the difficult words, and the best history students helped with important dates and names. When we took the second baseball test, we answered all the questions correctly, and the whole class won the tickets!

That afternoon at the stadium, I asked my hero to 47 on my favourite baseball. It read, “Keep working hard in school. See you in the big leagues! Billy Hawkins.”

36. A. job B. plan C. task D. dream

37. A. part B. team C. club D. class

38. A. throw B. take C. leave D. bring

39. A. I B. It C. He D. She

40. A. frightened B. relaxed C. worried D. excited

41. A. game B. test C. ticket D. match

42. A. pick up B. try out C. work out D. put up

43. A. included B. invented C. collected D. increased

44. A. As B. If C. Since D. Though

45. A. Luckily B. Hurriedly C. Honestly D. Probably

46. A. ordinary B. good C. fast D. kind

47. A. draw B. hold C. sign D. keep


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