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[04-06 21:46:43]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9719

概要: reads( )3( ). They wanted to know with his nose .A. What is wrong B. What wrong is C. happy D. more happy( )4. Last Sunday, children played i n the park.A. happy B. happier C. happily D. more happy( )5. They should keep in the reading---room.A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. quickly( )6. It is important paper to save the trees.A. recycle B. to recycle C. recycled D. recycling( )7. I couldn’t believe




(  )1.Mrs Green said           everything went well .

A. that        B. this      C. these       D. those

(  )2. Have you finished          the book ?

A. read        B. to read     C. reading     D. reads

(  )3(  ). They wanted to know           with his nose .

A. What is wrong    B. What wrong is       C. happy       D. more happy

(  )4. Last Sunday, children played          i n the park.

A. happy           B. happier        C. happily           D. more happy

(  )5. They  should keep         in the reading---room.

A. quiet          B. quietly           C. quite             D. quickly

(  )6. It is important           paper to save the trees.

A. recycle         B. to recycle        C. recycled                   D. recycling

(  )7. I couldn’t believe         I saw.

A.  who           B. how             C. what             D. when

(  )8. Their classroom         every day.

A. was cleaned     B. is cleaned         C. is cleaning        D. clean

(  )9. This pair of socks is made         nylon.

A. of             B. by                C. from            D. in

(  )10. When your hometown           , you may watch TV.

A. is done         B. are done            C. have done       D. will be done

(  )11. ---Will it be fine this afternoon?

--- I think _____________.

A. it              B. that             C.so             D. this

(  )12. You look so tired, you’d better ______________.

A. stops working      B. stop to work    C. stop working   D. stops to work

(  )13. Ann is my pen---friend. I always ___________ her.

A. hear              B. receive         C. hear from     D. hear to

(  )14. The stamp is used __________ letters.

A. for send           B. to sending      C. send          D. hear to

(  )15. That star __________ by a Chinese hundreds of years ago.

A. discovered         B. invented        C. was discovered   D. was invented


Food is very important. Everyone needs to    1     well if he or she wants to have a strong body .Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is     2   . We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are   3      in everything around them. They learn     4     while they are watching and listening. when they are getting older , they begin to    5       story books , science books … anything they like . When they find something new, they love to ask questions and    6    to find out the answers.

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