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[04-06 21:46:43]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9980

概要: a fever.A. feel B. is feeling C. felt D. feels( )3. — does she take the medicine?— Three times a day.A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. H ow far( )4. — What’s this glass made ?— Plastic.A. in B. from C. of D. into( )5. The population of Shanghai is much larger than of Chongqing.A. it B. that C. this D. what( )6. I only spent half of the money, and the rest still in your bag.A. was B. been C. wer



一. 单项选择选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(   )1. — What kind of cakes do you like best?

— I like cakes    nuts best.

A. in          B. for             C. of          D. with

(   )2. My sister    very cold. My sister must have a fever.

A. feel       B. is feeling       C. felt         D. feels

(   )3. —    does she take the medicine?

— Three times a day.

A. How long    B. How often        C. How soon   D. H ow far

(   )4. — What’s this glass made   ?

— Plastic.

A. in            B. from            C. of         D. into

(   )5. The population of Shanghai is much larger than    of Chongqing.

A. it            B. that             C. this         D. what

(   )6. I only spent half of the money, and the rest    still in your bag.

A. was           B. been           C. were        D. are

(   )7. — Mary, don’t hurt    while jumping down.

— OK, Mum. I’ll be careful.

A. yours       B. yourself         C. you         D. your

(   )8. This is the special entrance for   .

A. the disabled   B. disabled          C. unable      D. the unable

(   )9. I    from the village for ten years, so I don’t know its changes.

A. have left      B. left           C. have been away D. was away

(   )10. This bike is    expensive, and I’m afraid I can’t afford it.

A. too much       B. much too     C. too many       D. many too

(   )11. — Bob, it’s time to have breakfast.

— I don’t feel very   , Mum. I don’t feel like eating anything.

A. good        B. we ll             C. health       D. happily

(   )12. — Do you know    she is?

— It’s said that she is a nurse.

A. whom       B. which           C. what        D. where

(   )13. That’s a great bookstore. There are    of books in it.

A. a kind of      B. many kind of   C. all kinds of  D. different kind of

(   )14. I know eating too much meat is not good for me ,    I like to eat it very much.

A. and         B. so              C. or         D. but

(   )15. He had a bad cold and only breathed    his mouth.

A. with        B. through          C. without       D. across

(   )16. The nurse told the patient    plenty of water and     again.

A. to drink; no smoke

B. drinking; not to smoke

C. to drink; not smoking

D. to drink; not to smoke

(   )17. — I have    to do. Could you give me ______ to read?

— Sure. Her e you are.

A. something; something

B. nothing; nothing

C. something; nothing

D. nothing; something

(   )18.    you speak English,    your English will be.

A. The more; the more  B. The harder; the bigger

C. The more; the better  D. The easier; the bigger

(   )19.    delicious the food is!

A. How        B. What          C. How a        D. What a

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