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[04-06 21:46:43]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9731

概要:quo; “好的,非常愿意。”17.C 18.C take after长得像;be similar to与…… 相似。19.B help sb. out帮助某人摆脱困境。20.D not only…but also…不但……而且……21. B spend…(in) doing sth.花费……做某事。22.C put off推迟。23.B cheer up鼓舞。24.C come up with想出。25.A turn down调低(音量)。Ⅴ. 26 B spend花费。27.A care for照顾。28.D listen to their problems倾听他们的问题。29.B organization组织。30.A 由前句“For boys who no longer have fathers…”及后句“…that boys usually learn from their fathers.”可知



Ⅰ.1.established  2. similar  3.call-in  4.speech  5.pleasure

Ⅱ.6. inexpensive  7.unhappy   8. cooking  9. suggestions  10.signs

Ⅲ.11.didn’t tell   12.old enough to go  13.How many,does,have  14.no more of  15.spends,on

Ⅳ. 16. A  句意: “请你为我做些什么,好吗?” “好的,非常愿意。”

17.C   18.C   take after长得像;be similar to与…… 相似。

19.B   help sb. out帮助某人摆脱困境。

20.D  not only…but also…不但……而且……

21. B  spend…(in) doing sth.花费……做某事。

22.C  put off推迟。

23.B  cheer up鼓舞。

24.C  come up with想出。

25.A  turn down调低(音量)。

Ⅴ. 26 B   spend花费。

27.A   care for照顾。

28.D   listen to their problems倾听他们的问题。

29.B   organization组织。

30.A   由前句“For boys who no longer have fathers…”及后句“…that boys usually learn from their fathers.”可知选A项。

31.A   help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事。

32.A   places of interest有趣的地方。

33.D   volunteer志愿者。

34.C   old enough足够大。

35.B   志愿者们认为世界上“最幸福的”一些人是那些……

Ⅵ. 36. B  由第一段第一句可知。

37. A   由第一段第二句可知。

38. C   由第一段第五、六句可知。

39. B   由第二段第二句可知。

40. C   由第二段第五句可知。

41. C   由第一段最后一句可知。

42.A   由画线单词所处的前后句可推知,equally意为“平等的”。故选A项。

43.B   44.B   由第一段第二句可推知。      45.C

Ⅶ.One possible version:

Attention,please!I’d like to tell you something about our plan for the volunteer work in September.

First,we’ll help clean up the train station.Second,we’ll go to the old people’s home to help them wash their clothes and clean their rooms.And to cheer them up,we will give performances after that.Third,we are going to repair bikes and radios for people in the People’s Park.Fourth,we will go to the elementary school near ours to help coach the children and tell them stories.I’m sure we will have a very meaningful September.

That’s all.Thank you.






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