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[04-06 21:46:16]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初一英语辅导   阅读:9972

概要:hey can get ahnost everything in one supermarket.For example,many styles ofclothes,food,spots things…And the things in supermarkets are cheaper.When they get into the supermarket,they carry a basket.Then they buy'things and put them in the basket.After getting everything they want,they pay the money.Most people go to the supermarket once a week.( )1 Things in the supermarkets are_______.A.cheaper B.more expensive C.better D.more( )2.People can buy_________from supermarkets.A.food B.milk C.clothes D.A,B and C( )3.After people put the thin





Do you know anything about the way of shopping in western countries?People there usually make shopping list first and then they go shopping.Most people like to go to the supermarkets because they can get ahnost everything in one supermarket.For example,many styles ofclothes,food,spots things…And the things in supermarkets are cheaper.When they get into the supermarket,they carry a basket.Then they buy'things and put them in the basket.After getting everything they want,they pay the money.Most people go to the supermarket once a week.

( )1 Things in the supermarkets are_______.

A.cheaper B.more expensive C.better D.more

( )2.People can buy_________from supermarkets.

A.food B.milk C.clothes D.A,B and C

( )3.After people put the things in the basket,they go_________.

A.home B.to the checkout(收银台)

C.out D.to another shop


标签:初一英语辅导初一英语复习,初中英语学习方法初中学习网 - 初一学习辅导 - 初一英语辅导资料 - 初一英语辅导


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