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[04-06 21:46:16]   来源:http://www.kaoguole.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9575

概要:after school.70. If you want to keep ________ (health ), you must do some exercise.C)用括号内的动词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共5分)71. Look! Your mother (chat) with her friends on the phone.72. ___________(not open) the window. It’s too cold outside.73. Mary_______ (not go) to the supermarket with her mother on Sundays.74. --- Where is your brother?--- He _______ (eat) a cake in the dinning room.75. Do you enjoy_________ (sit) in the sun to chat with friends in winter ?六、句型转换,根据要求在括号中填入所缺的单词。(每格0.5分共5分)76. There are some toys in the box.(改为一般疑问句)_________ there _________ to


66. Today is __________ (child) Day. I will have a good time today.

67. My mother buys two kilos of (potato) from the market.

68. There are all kinds of things on those _________ (shelf) at the supermarket.

69. We play football ________( two)a week on the playground after school.

70. If you want to keep ________ (health ), you must do some exercise.


71. Look! Your mother (chat) with her friends on the phone.

72. ___________(not open) the window. It’s too cold outside.

73. Mary_______ (not go) to the supermarket with her mother on Sundays.

74. --- Where is your brother?

--- He _______ (eat) a cake in the dinning room.

75. Do you enjoy_________ (sit) in the sun to chat with friends in winter ?


76. There are some toys in the box.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ there _________ toys in the box?

77. Millie spends half an hour reading English every morning. (改为同义句).

It takes Millie half an hour ______ English every morning.

78. My brother often lies on the bed after dinner. (用now 改写句子)

My brother _______ _________ on the bed now.

79. The students do morning exercises for twenty minutes. (划线提问)

_________ _________ do the students do morning exercises?

80. Mum is cooking some fish in the kitchen. (划线提问)

_________ is Mum _________ in the kitchen?

七.补全对话,根据首字母提示写出单词,使对话完整。 (每格1分,共5分)

Shopkeeper: What can I do for you?

Boy: I (81)w like a teddy bear for my friend Jack. Today is his birthday.

Shopkeeper: The teddy bears are cool! Would you like the small one or the big one?

Boy: How (82)m is the small one?

Shopkeeper: It is only 28 yuan.

Boy: I'd like the big one.

Shopkeeper: Oh, that's very good, but it is (83)e . .

Boy: What is the (84)p of it?

Shopkeeper: 50 yuan. There is a discount(打折) on it. I can give you a 10% discount.

Boy: OK.I will (85)t it.

81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

八、任务型阅读 阅读下列短文,完成所给的问题。(每题1分,共5分)

Most girls care(关心) about what clothes they wear, but my 11-year-old cousin Betty does not care much about it. Her parents often take her to clothes shops, but she never asks them to buy any new clothes for her. Betty's sister Sally is two years older than Betty. She has old clothes, and Betty likes to wear them. She says this can help save(节省) lots of money for her parents.

However, when Betty's parents buy books for her, she is always very happy. She likes reading a lot. She has a lot of books, but she still wants more. Some of her friends say she is a girl of books. Maybe they are right.

But some peole say Betty is out of fashion(不时尚) and her life is not happy. What do you think of it? Is Betty really a girl out of fashion?

86. Betty does not care much about

87. take Betty to clothes shop.

88. Sally is years old.

89. Betty likes best.

90. Betty likes wearing old clothes because she wants to save




2. 喜欢听音乐,打篮球;





My name is Wang Li and I’m 13 years old.___________________________________





A. 根据所听句子内容选择相应的图片(听两遍)

1.I like eating vegetables. They are good for my health.( B)

2.I like dancing very much. I often go to the dancing lessons.(A)

3.There is a flower shop over there.Let’s buy some for my mother.(C)

4.I have a new car. Its number is 36463.(C)

5.We usually play ping pong on the playground after class.(A))

B. 根据所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(听两遍)

6. What can I help you?(B)

7. Where can I buy a basketball?(B)

8. Happy New Year, Betty!( B)

9. What do you think of your new school?(B)

10. How often do you eat snacks?(B)


11. M:Are you healthy, Betty?

W:Yes,of course. I am a healthy person.

M:How can you stay healthy?

W:I usually eat healthy food and do some exercise every day.(C)

12. A: Our English teacher looks beautiful in the new blouse.

B: Yes, I think so.

A: Is it made of cotton?

B: No, it’s made of silk . It feels every cool in summer.(B)

13. M: What about this red coat, Madam?

W:Oh, it’s too expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?(C)

14. A: Daniel, you look smart in the sports clothes today.

B: Thank you very much.

A: Who buys them for you?

B: My father buys them for me as a birthday present.(B)

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